Are you feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you don’t know exactly what is causing your overwhelm, but are fed up with constantly feeling as if everything is too much. It is common for autistic and neurodiverse people living in a neurotypical world to feel overwhelmed. There can be lots of reasons for this and often it is a combination of social, work, family and sensory issues that have combined to make things feel unmanageable.
If you are autistic, neurodiverse or have a diagnosis of ASD, ASC or Aspergers syndrome and are feeling overwhelmed we can work together to identify how you are feeling, what is causing it and what would help you to feel like life is more manageable. If you would like to work on feeling overwhelmed in one to one online psychology sessions please get in touch.
Do you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom? Like things have been feeling stressful and overwhelming for so long that you have just run out of energy. Maybe you are finding it hard to do things you once found easy. You might feel low and tearful or just emotionally numb. Perhaps talking to people is harder than ever before or you can’t face going to the places you normally go. Autistic burnout occurs when your stress levels have been too high for too long.
If you are autistic, neurodiverse or have a diagnosis of ASD, ASC or Aspergers syndrome and are feeling overwhelmed we can work together to identify how you are feeling, what is causing it and what would help you to feel like life is more manageable. If you would like to work on feeling overwhelmed in one to one online psychology sessions please get in touch.
Do you have moments when you get so intensely stressed, angry or anxious that you lose control of your behaviour? Do you shout and scream, hit people, damage objects or hurt yourself? Autistic meltdowns occur when our brains are overloaded or we are overstimulated and our bodies rapidly enter into threat mode. These episodes can be intensely upsetting for you and might cause feelings of shame and embarrassment afterwards.
If you are autistic, neurodiverse or have a diagnosis of ASD, ASC or Aspergers syndrome and are struggling with meltdowns I can help. We can work together to determine what is causing them, what your warning signs are and how to prevent them and/ or manage them. If you are interested in online psychology sessions for autistic meltdowns please get in touch.
Do you have moments of feeling so overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or angry that you shut down? Maybe you feel frozen or unable to speak or need to shut yourself away. Autistic shutdowns occur due to the same reasons meltdowns occur- but in this case the brain is overloaded and the threat system is activated causing a ‘freeze’ response rather than a ‘fight’ response. Shut downs can be hard to predict and can be confusing and embarrassing to experience.
If you are autistic, neurodiverse or have a diagnosis of ASD, ASC or Aspergers syndrome and are struggling with shutdowns I can help. We can work together in online therapy sessions to understand the triggers for your shutdowns, how to prevent and/or manage them.
Are you feeling constantly stressed? Do you have too much to do, or too little time? Is your mind full of all the things you need to do? Maybe you are struggling to relax or sleep, using caffeine to keep you going or alcohol to calm you down? Life can be really stressful at times, especially if you are having to think extra hard in order to plan, cope with change and struggle with sensory experiences and social situations.
If you are autistic, neurodiverse or have a diagnosis of ASD, ASC or Aspergers syndrome and are feeling stressed I can help. We can work together to determine the causes of your stress, identify ways of reducing the stress you are exposed to and increase your ability to cope with stress when it does occur. If you are interested in one to one online talking therapy for stress please get in touch.
Are you feeling low, numb or tearful? Does life feel bleak and pointless? Maybe you have stopped enjoying things you usually love. Depression and low mood are common mental health problems but are more common in autistic and neurodiverse adults.
If you are autistic, neurodiverse or have a diagnosis of ASD, ASC or Aspergers syndrome and are feeling depressed I can help. I am able to adapt evidence based therapies for Depression for autistic and neurodiverse adults. We can work together in online psychology sessions to help you understand and recover from your depression.
Do your thoughts race? Are you worrying about the future or things you have done in the past. You might be finding it difficult to sit still or to sleep. Anxiety is very common for Autustic people but it can be treated.
If you are autistic, neurodiverse or have a diagnosis of ASD, ASC or Aspergers syndrome and are feeling anxious I can help. I am able to adapt evidence based therapies for anxiety in autistic and neurodiverse adults. We can work together in online talking therapy sessions to help you understand and reduce the anxiety you experience in your day to day life.
Do you find it difficult to know how you are feeling? Maybe you have so many feelings it’s difficult to grasp one and accurately describe it. Perhaps you feel numb and you’re not convinced there are any emotions inside you at all. Alexithymia is difficulty or an inability to access or recognise one’s own emotions. It can make it difficult to make decisions, to relate to other people and avoid burnout, meltdowns and shutdowns. A lot of talking therapies rely on your being able to report how you are feeling in different situations so alexithymia can be a barrier to recovering from trauma, stress, anxiety and depression.
If you find it difficult to recognise and communicate your emotions I can provide online psychological therapy to help you to notice and pick up on the subtle cues your mind and body are giving you. We can develop a way of understanding and communicating emotions as you experience them. This new skill will enable you to understand and communicate your emotions better and will help you to engage in therapy for any other mental health problems in the future.
If you are an Autistic or Neurodiverse person or have a diagnosis of ASD, ASC or Asperger’s syndrome and are looking for a Clinical Psychologist to provide online therapy for Alexithymia please get in touch to arrange a free 15 minute telephone call.
Do you find your emotions are overwhelming? Do they feel too big, too hard or like they last for too long? Maybe you find they are so intense you end up behaving in ways you later regret. You might turn to alcohol, drugs, self-harm or over-eating to manage your feelings or you might keep yourself very busy to avoid feeling anything at all.
Do you feel as if you could do with some help with coping with living in a neurotypical world? Maybe you are not feeling depressed or anxious but you can see that you are struggling with social situations, with planning, with managing sensory input. Perhaps you would benefit from talking through your life goals and thinking about how you can live a fulfilling life and protect yourself from mental health problems.
If you are autistic, neurodiverse or have a diagnosis of ASD, ASC or Asperger’s syndrome and are struggling to manage your emotions I can help. We can work together during online therapy sessions to look at the triggers for your emotions and identify helpful strategies for coping with them.